From Data Islands
We can register a sql with using registersql command.
(Syntax : registersql "sqlname" "description" "sql statement" <ENTER>)
>registersql "getBerlinCustomers" "return only customers from Berlin" "select \"CustomerID\", \"CompanyName\", \"City\", \"Phone\" from customers where City='Berlin'"
Sage 100 Example
We register the SQL
>registersql "getEntityData" "Get island data" "select * from {0} where 150=150 and {1}={2}"
And from the console we can test this
>test_registersql "getEntityData" "arcustomers,idfield,'02_ALLENAP'"
and then this returns the SQL and whether it is valid or not
Fetched data with rows#1
SQL Statement: select * from arcustomers where 150=150 and idfield='02_ALLENAP'
Then from here you can call thsis via a REST API