Jint Commands

From Data Islands

This page references all the commands available when in Jint mode

the "di" object is the wrapper for the console Javascript integration.


  1. di.connect("usernamae","password")
  2. di.addserver("servertype","servername","username","password")
  3. di.deleteserver(index,"y")
  4. di.servers()
  5. di.dbtables()
  6. di.describe("tablename")
  7. di.describeisland("islandname")
  8. di.addregion("regionname")
  9. di.regions()
  10. di.deleteregion()
  11. di.islands()
  12. di.clearisland("islandname")
  13. di.deleteisland("islandname")
  14. di.querydb("sql_query")
  15. di.push("islandname") - see JINT section on Push
  16. di.("islandname")
  17. di.status()
  18. di.listdb()
  19. di.usedb("databasename")
  20. di.help()
  21. di.clear()
  22. di.logging("on")
  23. di.language("en")
  24. di.wizards()
  25. di.wizard(wizard_index)
  26. di.notifyme("mail subject","mail body")
  27. di.notifyteam("mail subject","mail body")
  28. di.version()
  29. di.update()
  30. di.access()
  31. di.removeuser("user_name")
  32. di.watchregion()
  33. di.unwatchregion()
  34. di.pull("islandname","destination_name")
  35. di.import("islandname","destination_name")
  36. di.runexe("full_file_path")
  37. di.nativesql("sql_query")
  38. di.deleteaccount()
  39. di.geolocation("code")
  40. di.limitip("ip_address")
  41. di.reset("y/n")
  42. di.logout("y/n")