XERO files

From Data Islands
Revision as of 11:34, 13 September 2023 by WikiSysopdi (talk | contribs)

Experimental feature that will get the invoice PDF files


>querydb invoices UpdatedDateUTC>= DateTime(2022, 01, 01) AND UpdatedDateUTC<= DateTime(2022, 01, 31) FILES

Example 2 - using jscript to build the where clause

jscript "var today = new Date(); var myDate = new Date(); myDate.setDate(myDate.getDate() - 10); var somestring = '(UpdatedDateUTC >= DateTime(' + myDate.getFullYear() + ', ' + (myDate.getMonth() + 1) + ',' + myDate.getDate() + ') AND UpdatedDateUTC <= DateTime(' + today.getFullYear() + ',' + (today.getMonth() + 1) + ', ' + today.getDate() + ')) or UpdatedDateUTC = null';  return somestring;"

querydb invoices jscriptoutput FILES

So next we need to push/export these files up into a data island.

>push tmpxerofiles

Now we switch to a "FILES" server (or add a files server)

Then we pull/import the data island

>pull tmpxerofiles "tmpxerofiles"