Jint Commands
From Data Islands
This page references all the commands available when in Jint mode
the "di" object is the wrapper for the console Javascript integration.
- di.connect("usernamae","password")
- di.addserver("servertype","servername","username","password")
- di.deleteserver(index,"y")
- di.servers()
- di.dbtables()
- di.describe("tablename")
- di.describeisland("islandname")
- di.addregion("regionname")
- di.regions()
- di.deleteregion()
- di.islands()
- di.clearisland("islandname")
- di.deleteisland("islandname")
- di.querydb("sql_query")
- di.push("islandname")
- di.("islandname")
- di.status()
- di.listdb()
- di.usedb("databasename")
- di.help()
- di.clear()
- di.logging("on")
- di.language("en")
- di.wizards()
- di.wizard(wizard_index)
- di.notifyme("mail subject","mail body")
- di.notifyteam("mail subject","mail body")
- di.version()
- di.update()
- di.access()
- di.removeuser("user_name")
- di.watchregion()
- di.unwatchregion()
- di.pull("islandname","destination_name")
- di.import("islandname","destination_name")
- di.runexe("full_file_path")
- di.nativesql("sql_query")
- di.deleteaccount()
- di.geolocation("code")
- di.limitip("ip_address")
- di.reset("y/n")
- di.logout("y/n")
coming soon
di.adduser("username", "scope")