Cloud Servers API
From Data Islands
Syntax : registercloudserver <NAME> <API_GEO_LOCATION> <CONNECTION_STRING> <ENTER>
eg.registercloudserver "NAME" "API GEO LOCATION" "CONNECTION STRING"
Description : Register a cloud server. User can also see list of cloud server by entering just "registercloudserver" without any parameter.
<NAME> - Name of the registered server
<API_GEO_LOCATION> - This defines which API is to be used. Options are "US", "UK", "DE" and "CA"
<CONNECTION_STRING> - the postgreSQL connection string
EG ";username=someadminuser;password=somepassword;database=defaultdb;port=25060;sslmode=Require;trust server certificate=true;Pooling=true;Connection Idle Lifetime = 2;Connection Pruning Interval = 2;Include Error Detail=true"