
From Data Islands
Revision as of 11:59, 29 July 2022 by WikiSysopdi (talk | contribs) (jint)
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You can write and run javascript commands allowing you to iterate over a dataset (querydb) and automate region creation and various other commands.

The command is


to switch into javascript coding mode.

You can write a js file and execute using the file path parameter

> jint "pathtofile/file.js"

Sample script that queries a "customers" table for any customers that have a flag set and then for each of those it creates a data island "region" and pushes up the customers "orders" to an island.

var result = di.connect("youraccount","yourpassword");

var table = di.querydb("select top 2 * from customers where hasregionflag='Y'");

for(var x=0;x<table.Rows.Count;x++)


   var fieldValue = table.Rows[x]['CustomerID'];


   var qorders=di.querydb("select * from Orders where customerid='"+fieldValue+"'");

